Gifts Upon Gifts

A good friend comes for a visit from another coast. With her, she brings her sense of beauty and perspective. She works with a vision board in her head, taking objects you’ve collected and preserved, moves them around the house and all of a sudden you have a number of galleries: drum circle, masks, Eastern Shore photographs, family pictures. Your whole life transformed. Somehow she knows what is important, what conjures up memories, good memories. Everywhere you turn, surprises. A few days ago she placed a tall rose vase painted by a grandmother high on the kitchen shelf. You look up and see she paired a smaller vase painted by the same grandmother beside it. Beloved treasures made more alive and present. Love in action. Your heart sings a new song. Improvisational. Not a whim but certainly whimsical. Clearly a gift of sight, sound, and sense.

She left this morning in the early morning hours for the airport. And I’m missing her. Missing hearing her hum and whistle from the back room. She has songs in her head. The dog has gone into the room where she stayed and looked around. He misses her too. I am seated at the table so I can see the valley before me. And on the table are the two decks of Tarot cards we consulted with questions. Do we have another book in us? What about our love lives, our future passions? I think we made a few discoveries. And we will watch to see what unfolds. But right this minute I am grateful for her gift of time. She has major obligations and engagements at home. She is flying at high speeds to meet them. Perhaps she will have some reflection time on the long journey cross country, because once she hits the ground she turns her attention and creativity to her everyday people: sons, husband, cats, her extended family. the many students, old and new. Her house is respite, intertwined with safety and beauty. Her life, a testimony to her passions: handmade everything, pantings, poems, seasonal decorations, books, song, chalkboard of what’s next.

About Elaine Fletcher Chapman

(formerly Elaine Walters McFerron) author of Reservoir forthcoming late 2020 & Hunger for Salt (Saint Julian Press, May 2017) Writer, Editor, Life Coaching for Artists: dealing with issues regarding creativity and the making of art. Life Coaching for difficult issues and making meaningful change Certified iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation Teacher founder of The Writer's Studio MFA ,Bennington College author of Double Solitude, Hunger for Salt ( Saint Julian Press, May 2017) & Reservoir (Saint Julian Press, forthcoming 2020)
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1 Response to Gifts Upon Gifts

  1. Jean H. Kirkham says:

    This is exactly what my move to my new apartment: jeannie and Sheppie did for me what your friend has just done fou! What greater love than this!



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